Sunday 9 August 2009

The joys of being a big kid

I am a big kid. As I write I am wearing a sponge bob square pants t-shirt, I love climbing trees and I sleep under an Ikea leaf bed canopy. There is no denying it, a large part of my personality is that of an hyperactive 10 year old.

For years I hid this behind a mask of proper adulthood. I had a serious job with a lot of responsibilities, I bought a house with my boyfriend and I always knew what the Bank of England’s interest rates were at. I never played, the closest I ever got to playing was going for a walk in the forest, and even then, I stuck to the path like a good girl.

But over the last few years I have turned my back on all of that and particularly in the last 5 months. And I have really noticed a difference. My eyes are bright and my coast is shiny… Sorry confusing myself with the dog next door who is currently chasing his own tail. Ah to have a tail!

I often spend my days helping kids make masks and badges and it never fails to amuse me how many parents when watching their kids colour in ask, do you want me to help with that. As a kid that used to drive me potty! Yes dad, I can colour in, I’m not a complete idiot. Now I realise it was just my dad wanting to have a bit of fun!

Kids are what keep people young, but what do we do now that people are leaving having children later, or not having them at all? To all fellow childless adults, I say go out and play! Buy a Frisbee, go to the park, climb a tree and buy a colouring in book.

You might feel like a prat if you haven’t done it for a while, but believe me, once you get over that and let go, you’ll have a blast.

The minibeast :) xx

PS just a note of caution though, 3 pints of cider + an adventure park = concussion. I know, I have had first hand experience!